How to make Chicken Fajita Quesadillas

Let's See How to make Chicken Fajita Quesadillas

Yeah I know we all love Mexican foods. You really don't have to go Mexican restaurant to try real Mexican foods. Try yourself your own Mexican dishes. Here we go with some mouth watering Mexican dish. This is one of my favourite recipe and also it's really delicious. Muerde amigo!

1.Chicken Fajita Quesadillas 

Chicken Fajita Quesadilla


- Tortillas of your choice. (typically use flour tortillas but feel free to use almond or cassava tortillas if you have any dietary restrictions to make this dish paleo/ keto or glutenfree)
- Chicken tenders
- Red bell pepper sliced
- Onion sliced
- Mexican blend cheese (use dairyfree cheese if you have dairy restrictions)
- Spices – use garlic salt, black pepper, red chili pepper flakes and chili lime seasoning). Again, use spices to your liking. 
- Avocado (optional)
- Greek Yogurt for dipping 


- Preheat your skillet to medium-high temperature. Add oil of your choice (I like avocado oil because it has a high smoke point). Add cubed chicken tenders and pan sear it for like 2 min, add your onion, bell peppers and sauté it for ~3 min or so. Chicken tenders are done super fast so you don’t want to over cook it. Add your spices and sauté for another minute or so. Set aside.
- Time to assemble your quesadillas – lay your tortilla flat, add cheese and your chicken fajita mixture and flip over. Pan sear it on both sides for 2min on each side. Serve it with avocado and Greek yogurt for dipping. Voila here's our chicken fajita quesadillas 


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